General conditions of use, here in after referred to as "the Site"


Summary :

Article 1: Preamble

Article 2: Publisher's presentation

Article 3: Functionality of the site

Article 4: Acceptance of use of the general terms and conditions of use

Article 5: Access, navigation and management of the website

Article 6 : Content

Article 7: Liability

Article 8: Article and comments

Article 9: Hyperlink

Article 10 : Propriété intellectuelle

Article 11 : Loi applicable

Article 12: Contact





Any person browsing the Site is considered a user (hereinafter “User”)

Access to and use of the site are subject to acceptance and compliance with these General Conditions of Use (hereinafter “the GCU”).



Sarah Movahhedi Company


Whose head office is located at 10 rue Platon, 87100 in Limoges

Registered with the RCS of LYON under number 842174500

Siret: 84217450000012

E-mail address :

The Publisher provides all Users and Visitors to the Site with all legal notices prescribed by the regulations in force and relating to the publication of a merchant website in the “legal notices” section, which can be consulted on the Site.

The company Sarah Movahhedi, mainly carries out, via the website, an activity of selling books and alternative and holistic therapy, with the aim in France and abroad of: accompanying and supporting people wishing to receive support, in their process of inner healing and personal development, in order to accompany them in their approach towards well-being and fulfillment, to help them become holy, conscious individuals, who are uniquely involved in the world with collective interests in mind, this through support services, in the form of individual consultations and by sharing informative content and by selling books. The areas concerned are the following: well-being, inner healing, philosophy, spirituality, art of living, personal development, psychology, philosophy, and in general everything that relates, directly or indirectly, to the world of well-being and the healing of heart ailments, intended for ordinary visitors, private or professional clients as well as the provision of any service relating to the main areas mentioned above.



Access to the Site is public and free.

The Site allows the user to:

. to consult the offers, goods and services proposed by the Publisher,

. to subscribe to the Newsletter, if it is active

. to order online.

. to read and comment on articles online



Access to and use of the site are subject to acceptance and compliance with these General Conditions of Use (hereinafter “the GCU”).

The publisher reserves the right to modify, at any time and without notice, the Site and services as well as these T&Cs, in particular to adapt to developments on the site by making new features available or by removing or modifying existing features.

The user is therefore advised to refer to the latest version of the T&Cs before browsing, which is accessible at any time on the site. In the event of disagreement with the T&Cs, the user may not use the site.



The publisher implements the technical solutions at its disposal to allow access to the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

It may nevertheless at any time suspend, limit or interrupt access to the Site or to certain pages thereof, or reserve access to the Site, or to certain parts of the Site, to a specific category of users, in order to carry out updates, deletions, modifications of its content or any other action deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the site.

Access to and use of the site are reserved for strictly personal use. You agree not to use this site and the information or data contained therein for commercial, political, advertising purposes or for any form of commercial solicitation, including the sending of unsolicited e-mails.

Connection and navigation on the Site constitute unreserved acceptance of these T&Cs, regardless of the technical means of access and the terminals used.

These T&Cs apply, as necessary, to any variation or extension of the site on existing or future social and/or community networks.



Sarah Movahhedi Company makes every effort to ensure quality and verified information as well as reliable updating. However, errors or omissions may occur.

If any information appears to be inaccurate or contains a typographical error, the user may report it to the Publisher of the site. The Internet user must therefore ensure the accuracy of the information with the company Sarah Movahhedi, and report any changes to the Site that he deems useful.



The Site cannot be held responsible for any damage, whatever its nature, resulting from its unavailability.

The Publisher is only responsible for the content that it has itself edited and put online on the Site.

The Publisher cannot be held responsible:

. Damage, whatever its nature, resulting from its unavailability or inaccessibility, in particular in the event of technical, IT or compatibility problems or failures, breakdown or interruption of the Site with any hardware or software;

. Direct or indirect damage, material or immaterial, foreseeable or unforeseeable, resulting from the use or difficulties of use of the site or its services;

. Intrinsic characteristics of the Internet, in particular those relating to the unreliability and lack of security of the information circulating there;

. Illegal content or activities using its site, without it having duly taken note of it within the meaning of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.

Furthermore, the site cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information disseminated there.

The User is fully responsible for:

. Of the use he makes of the Site and its services

. Connection equipment to the Site. You must take all appropriate measures to protect your equipment and your own data, in particular from viral attacks via the Internet.

. If he does not comply with these general conditions of use.



8.1 General Rules

Users of our site have the opportunity to leave comments on published articles. By posting a comment, the user agrees to respect the following rules:

  • Compliance with applicable laws: Comments must not contain defamatory, discriminatory, hateful, insulting, violent or otherwise contrary to applicable laws and regulations.
  • Respect for people: It is forbidden to publish comments that infringe on the privacy, dignity or reputation of other users or third parties.
  • Respect for morality: Comments containing statements that are not in line with noble moral ethics, such as vile or vulgar statements, for example, are not permitted.
  • Respect for intellectual property: Users agree not to publish content (texts, images, etc.) protected by intellectual property rights without having obtained the necessary authorization.

8.2 Moderation

Comments posted on the site are subject to a posteriori moderation. We reserve the right to delete, without notice, any comment that does not comply with these rules or that contains:

  • Inappropriate, irrelevant or off-topic comments relative to the article.
  • Sensitive personal information (eg address, telephone number).
  • Du contenu susceptible de porter atteinte aux droits de tiers.
  • Des propos qui ne respectent pas les règles générales.

8.3 User Responsibility

The user is fully responsible for the content he/she posts on the site. In the event of a violation of the rules set out above, the user may be held legally responsible. The site declines all responsibility for the content published by users.

8.4 Reporting Inappropriate Content

Users have the possibility to report any comment that they consider not to comply with these rules by using the reporting link provided for this purpose or by contacting the site administrator at the following address:



The Site may contain hyperlinks to other websites over which it has no control. Despite the prior and regular checks carried out by the publisher, the latter declines all responsibility for the content that may be found on these sites.

The Publisher authorizes the creation of hypertext links to any page or document on its Site subject to:

. that the establishment of these links by third-party publishers complies with the legal and/or regulatory provisions in force and does not harm the honor and reputation of the Publisher.

. that the establishment of these links, by third-party publishers, has been authorized by the Publisher of the Site.

Furthermore, sites disseminating information of an illicit, violent, controversial, pornographic, xenophobic nature or that may offend the sensibilities of the majority of people are excluded ab initio from this authorization.

Finally, the Publisher reserves the right to delete or have deleted at any time a hyperlink pointing to its Site if it considers it not to comply with its editorial policy.




10.1 Protection of website content

The Site itself, its structure, and all of the content distributed on this Site are the exclusive property of the Publisher and are protected under intellectual property law, except for elements created by external parties who have not assigned their proprietary copyright.

Any reproduction, representation, adaptation or exploitation, in whole or in part, of this site by any process whatsoever without the express authorization of the Publisher is prohibited, according to the laws in force.

Access to the site does not confer any intellectual property rights relating to any content of any nature offered and distributed by the Site.

The brands and logos appearing on this site are the property of the Publisher or its partners.

In accordance with Articles L. 713-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code, any total or partial reproduction or representation of these brands and logos by any process whatsoever without the express authorization of their owner is prohibited.


10.2 Video credits


10.3 Photo credits

Pixabay, Personal Images



These General Conditions of Use are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute and in the absence of an amicable agreement, the dispute will be brought before the French courts in accordance with the rules of jurisdiction in force.



For any difficulty relating to the Site or report, the User may contact the Publisher at the following address:, or by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt addressed to the Publisher at the contact details specified in these legal notices.



All information relating to confidentiality and the processing of personal data is accessible on the “privacy policy” page.